Creolization: The Spanish - Speaking Caribbean
Creolization is seen to be extremely prevalent in the Caribbean as seen in the previous blogs. This blog will discuss creolization the Spanish - Speaking Caribbean region. In lecture videos provided by Dr. Gangelhoff on Cuba as a part of the Spanish - Speaking Caribbean region, the term Afro-Cuban was discussed. Moreover, Santería was explored. Santería is an Afro-Cuban religion that fuses Yoruba and Catholicism. Elements of Santería permeate many aspects of Cuban culture including dance, music, art, and food ( UCIRF, 2021). However, Dr. Gangelhoff expresses that Santería music includes the following: Batá drumming and singing (specifically 3 double-headed hourglass drums of different sides), Strictly ordered sequences of percussion rhythms, Voice and percussion instruments, Polyrhythm texture, Call and response texture, and Texture created from interlocking repeated rhythms Figure #1 - shows the 3 double-head...